For pricing, or to schedule a ride, please
Text to 610-291-6577 or E-mail
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Sample Rides
Click a heading below to read more.
Local Driving
Take you to dealer to get car from service
Take lawn mower in for service
Take pet(s) to vet
Take someone to wedding or funeral with return
To Forrest Theatre, or People's Light
Some people want to escape from the old folks home to be out in the world for lunch or dinner with your driver.
Doctors appointments, here or in Philly
Take for out-patient surgery and bring home when over
Follow-up doctor visits
Multiple days over several months, for cancer treatments
To Kimmel for a concert
Food shopping
Hair dresser & other errands
Drive from home to relatives
Take to a club or restaurant for a party
Take family to the Art Museum, Academy of Fine Arts, or something at Penn